TELL your faith body about the importance of the census!
The 2020 Census is here. It is a full count of who lives in the United States, and will determine our communities' political power (our representation in Congress and the Electoral College, and proper drawing of electoral maps) and resources (money for our roads, schools, hospitals, senior centers, and safety net programs like Medicaid, Head Start, SNAP, and CHIP). The prosperity of our neighborhoods and cities depend on full resident participation in Census 2020!
Communities Creating Opportunity is rallying KC's faith leaders around this vital issue, to educate their congregations on the importance of the Census from the pulpit, to fight myths and fear, and to aid those who need help completing the form. CCO will equip you with the knowledge and materials to make sure your entire congregation gets counted!
Informational Flyer:Please CLICK HERE for a flyer detailing the importance of the Census. Download it and print it for your congregation, or copy the link and send via email, social media, etc. (Email Garrett below if you don’t have a printer but need hard copies.) Also, please use it to speak from the pulpit about this critical issue!
Timeline:The Census Bureau began mailing invitations to complete the Census in March. Residents can fill it out online, by phone, or by mail. Responding by April is crucial. CLICK HERE to see the timeline and learn when Census workers begin visiting addresses that haven’t completed the form.
Step-by-Step Guide to Completing the Census: What does the Census actually look like? CLICK HERE for a how-to guide from the Census Bureau that includes visuals.
Guidance in Other Languages: Need a guide for a non-English speaker? CLICK HERE. You can also direct non-English speakers to multi-language Census support hotlines — CLICK HERE for the phone numbers.
How the Census Brings Money to Our Communities: Please CLICK HERE to see how much money Missouri receives for social safety net programs, which is determined by Census data.
Is It Safe to Share All This Info?Some congregants will be nervous about sharing information with the government. However, it is illegal for the Census Bureau to share Census information with any other agency, including law enforcement. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Have Questions?Visit the Census Bureau website for FAQs: CLICK HERE. And remember, if any congregant needs help you can’t provide, the Census has support hotlines — CLICK HERE for the numbers.
More unanswered questions? Email Garrett Griffin, Communications Director at Communities Creating Opportunity: garrett [at]